Betting Articles

Three for today and A Farewell to MA Jarvis

Welcome One and All,

Friday is here again and another week is almost over.

Where is the year going?  The festival  will be here and gone in a matter of 3 weeks and then the flat season will be upon us.

Speaking of Flat racing, I was very sad to hear the news of Michael Jarvis's retirement due to ill health. A shrewder, more knowledgable, more experienced trainer would be hard to find and I for one will miss him. He has held a trainers licence for 43 years and has trained some amazing horses. He has clearly not been well for a number of years and I  wish him a long and happy retirement. I wonder if the demise of Rakti just after Christmas had any influence on his decision. He rated Rakti the best he had ever trained and his untimely death would have been a blow. I had some memorable touches on gambled debutantes from the stable and it was rare that they left the money behind when they went after one. Thanks for the memories, Mr Jarvis!


Following on from the success of the double I put up last Friday, I thought I would stick my neck out again today and go for another small stakes multiple on three I've heard are working well at home and look to have an even better chance than their odds would indicate. I will be doing them as three slightly larger stake win singles and a smaller stakes trixie.

The first goes in the 2.40 at Warwick.  I would be very surprised if Dhaafer didn't follow up on his course and distance win  from last month and the even money currently available looks generous to me.

The second leg is in the 4.25pm also at Warwick. Stoney's treasure looks value to me at 13/8 with Boylesports and the word from the yard this morning is that he will relish the ground and the extra distance today.

Finally, I'm going to put those 2 in with a real shortie in the 7.55pm at Wolverhampton - Visions of Johanna. Again the current price looks a bit big to me. Likely to go off shorter, I'm struggling to see what in the race can beat him.

Please remember to keep stakes small on these as they are mostly value calls and should only be played for fun! Also use a bookmaker who gives best odds guaranteed just in case I've got these wrong and they drift.


I'm afraid I'm going to have to cut the post short here as the time is nearly 1.40pm and I need to get this out before the 2.40pm race at Warwick! Very pooor planning on my part for which I apologise. Look out for further posts early next week as I will be looking at some punting tips and tricks. In the meantime, have a great weekend and be lucky!


Dancing Cows, A "good thing" in the Bumper and my Grand National Tale of Woe
Ruby's Folly, Peddlers Cross and One at Lingfield Today


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