Betting Articles

The Woes of a Tipster...

It’s me again. I’ve been so quiet of late that I would forgive readers for beginning to doubt my existence. Sorry for the silence – I have reasons but no real excuses.

I’ve been dealing with the horrendous fallout of having a bad couple of months on my Evening Value Service just at the point that I took on a raft of new members (isn’t that always the way).

It’s been pretty galling to say the least.

I know my methods work – they’re backed up by a history of more than 40,000 bets over the last 8 years and more recently, my Morning Value Service has made a (fully proofed) profit in excess of 500 points in a year.  That’s in addition to the Evening Service making 170 points in its first 6 month of existence (and my of interest bets turning a profit of 70 points from only 220 bets)

But try telling that to a new member who’s lost 20 points in their first few weeks with the service!

It falls on deaf ears – and to be honest I can’t say I blame them. There are so many poor tipsters (for that read shysters) and systems out there that we are all rightly suspicious when we sign up for something new.

However, I’ve also come to the conclusion that there are some people out there that are psychologically unable to endure the slightest of reverses or take any kind of long term view whatsoever.  As a point in case, below I’ve reproduced an email that I received from a new member on his very first day with the service. It’s reproduced exactly as I received it with no editing, spelling or grammar corrections:


“christ you are way off the mark with  SPIDER PALM it is trading at the moment at 9.2 on betfair after i took your micky mouse price of 4.5 with sj   get your bets right and dont send me this shit again or money back do you understand this request”


Many of the other bets that evening went off at massively lower prices than we had taken but that was clearly immaterial! How can you react to such an email? And, though that’s an extreme example, there were several others in a similar vein!

Ah well, what can you do?

I wish that every bet I bet I ever placed would shorten dramatically in price and win going away but life doesn't work like that.

It's all about taking the longer term view and keeping the numbers on your side over long periods - that's where the profit is, not in trying something for a few minutes and dismissing it because it hasn't instantly supplied you with a yacht made of gold.

Anyway, enough of my temporary woes, I don’t want this post to turn in to a rant!

I have some exciting things to report and they are things you definitely should not be missing over the coming weeks.


Things You Shouldn’t be Missing!

Firstly, I don’t know how many of you have been following The Major on the tipping trial area of this website.

The Major is a reader of the blog who started posting his daily selections on the site towards the end of last year after he had been sending them to me for a while (and showing an enormous amount of potential).

He didn’t get off to the greatest of starts but he’s persevered, tweaked and refined and is now showing a handsome profit since he started posting.

He posts everyday without fail (except for his recent trip to Las Vegas to get married!) and it’s well worth popping over to the site each day and having a look at what he fancies. His selections are posted up each day by about 10.30am.

Don’t miss out on this completely free tipster who’s in a rich vein of form!


Secondly, last week I introduced a new column to the site called Pro Angles.

It’s written by professional betting colleague of mine who wishes to remain anonymous due to his other tipping commitments (suffice to say, he’s part of the team at one of the most respected tipping services in the country)

Pro Angles represent his occasional thoughts and comments on what he’ll be getting involved with that day.  They might be trading opportunities, over-priced good things, dutches, stable information – pretty much any betting angle that he’s found for that day.

He’ll be posting in this section a couple of times a week and I will be mailing out to give all readers a heads up whenever there is something new.

This column really is not to be missed- it’s written by one of the most successful professional gamblers in the country and - a man I have the highest level of professional respect for.

Pro Angles and the Major is just the start of some hopefully useful stuff I will be adding to the site in the coming weeks. I will be recruiting a number of other writers to give us the benefit of their wit, wisdom and punting prowess - not just in horse racing but in a variety of sports that offer opportunities for the astute punter to turn a profit.

And finally, I’m making a firm commitment now to post up my own stuff (thoughts, rants, opinions, the odd tip) on the blog at least twice a week from now on. The mere fact of writing out my thoughts gives me greater discipline and insight into my own betting and if it occasionally helps readers then all the better.

That’s all from  me today but I’ll be back soon with my renewed fervour for making this site a really useful resource for readers

Be lucky


PS Shesha Bear runs at Epsom again this evening and might be worth an interest based on course and distance form.




Course Connoisseurs
When it pays to bet against the Crowd....


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