Betting Articles

Let Battle Commence!

I realise, dear readers, that this blog is largely devoted to the Sport of Kings - and rightly so. After all, it's what pays the bills. However,  just occasionally, I will be giving you my thoughts on other sporting events which I find of interest. Today, I'm going to look at the Kings of the Green Baize as they kick off the most important event of their season - Snooker's World Championship from the crucible sponsored by our old friends Betfred (the cowardly lion of the bookmaking fraternity)

This is an event that has been a much anticipated fixture in my sporting calendar since I was a boy and one that has proved to be a consistent pay day over recent years. I had intended to write this post last night and get it up before the start of the tournament but in my usual slapdash fashion I have managed to miss my self imposed deadline and am writing this as John Higgins faces a little trouble at 3-5 against Barry Hawkins in the opening match of the tournament.

That being the case, I will keep this post short just to get it up and I will post further updates over the next couple of days running the rule over the chances of the main contenders and giving you a few further tips as the tourament progresses.

For now then, I will give you my opening positions with analysis to follow later.

Tournament Outright Bets

Lay Ronnie O'Sullivan as outright winner at a current price of 4.9 on Betfair (edited because of price mistake)

Back Neal Robertson each way (1/2 the odds a place 1,2) at 10/1 generally

Back Shaun Murphy each way (1/2 the odds a place 1,2) at 14/1 generally

Have a small saver bet on Ding Junhui at 8/1 generally

My standout bet of the tournament is:

Back Mark Williams each way (1/2 the odds a place 1,2) at 12/1 generally. I think this is a huge price for a man who looks to be returning to the kind of form that saw him win his world titles and coming off the back of a convincing win in the China Open. GET A PIECE OF THIS PRICE!!

Please remember that I see these only as value bets. Other players at shorter prices are more likely to win but I feel their chances are fully reflected in their prices. I personally see Ronnie O'Sullivan at 7/2 generally for the tournament as one of the poorest value bets we will see in a while - and yet I still think he could win it.

Right, I'm off to  soak up some of the atmosphere and enjoy the struggle between Higgins and Hawkins which is shaping up quite nicely!

Further posts on this subject to follow over the coming days.

Everybody have a great weekend!
The Great British Weather
Crucible Analysis


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