Betting Articles

"Champagne Charlie" has his fingers in a lot of pies.....

Howdy Gang,

I don't know if  I'm particularly slow or I just don't keep up with the day to day news as much as I should.

But I had no idea that this Rebekah Brooks creature (she of the flaming red hair and only a very vague recollection of what went on at the newspaper she edited) is married to our old friend "Champagne" Charlie Brooks! I'm not a big fan of Champagne Charlie and his marriage to this person has merely confirmed my opinion.

Charlie, you might remember, was one of the leading campaigners for the blanket introduction of 48 hour declarations. The same 48 hour declarations that have resulted in the ridiculously high level of non-runners we are now seeing. I find nothing more irritating than snagging a really good value morning price only to see it butchered by non-runners later in the day. For that, we have dear old Charlie to thank.

This is the same Charlie Brooks who "took up" with John Francombe's ex Miriam (with indecent haste after she had walked out on the greatest jockey), despite being a close friend of Francombe himself.

The same Charlie Brooks who was arrested and questioned by police in the Man Mood scandal (though never charged with anything) and was a close friend of Graham Bradley at the time of Bradley's involvement with the notorious drug dealer/race fixer Brian Wright

The same Charlie Brooks who was at Eton with "Big Dave" Cameron and " Gorgeous" George Osborne.

The fact that Rebekah  Brooks was formerly married to "TV hardman" Ross Kemp only adds to my belief that all celebrities know each other and , in fact,  live in a big house together where they plot and conspire against the rest of us poor saps.

What an unpleasant, incestuous bunch. Rebekah and the Louche of Lambourn is a match made in tabloid heaven!




Glorious Goodwood next week and for the 2nd year running it looks like I will  have a runner at my favourite meeting of the year.

 Charlie Cool, a horse I own a small piece of,  is set to line up in the Poker at Bet365 Stakes at 4.50 on Tuesday. I had a fantastic time last year, strutting about the owners and trainers bar, storming the parade ring and generally soaking up the rarefied atmosphere.

 Sadly I wasn't a winning owner at this loveliest of courses (and I don't hold out a great deal of hope of breaking my duck this year) but I will be doing my level best to enjoy every second of what should be a great day out!


I receive regular requests to proof tipping services, many of which I don't have time for (nor the inclination to do after seeing the figures!) but I received an interesting one yesterday. I won't, as yet, reveal the name of the tipping service because I don't want anybody to rush out and join before I've had a decent chance to check it out.

The profits claimed are extraordinary - 359 points at Betfair SP so far in 2011. The owner of the service will be forwarding all tips to me until the end of August and I will give you regular updates on how it is performing and let you know the name of the service as soon as I am convinced that the results are genuine.

I received the first selections yesterday and I have to say they performed impressively:

12 bets

5 Winners

+2.65 points profits at Betfair SP

I'll keep you posted on this one!


That's it for today. Have a great weekend and back lots of winners!


P.S. I know it's not very original but I'm very sweet on Workforce for the King George VI at Ascot on Saturday. I backed him at 3/1 last week and that looks like real value now. 



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