Betting Articles

So here it is....

With the weekend upon us and Christmas breathing down its neck, I thought now would be an opportune moment to thank everybody for indulging me and my little blog over the last 12 months. I’ve enjoyed writing it immensely and if you’ve enjoyed reading it even a quarter as much, we’ve done OK.


I have some big plans for the New Year involving the introduction of new contributors/features and a rapid expansion of the number of system tests/reviews taking place on the site.

I think that, with reader help and involvement we’ll be able to create the best and most comprehensive review site anywhere on the web.

Further information to follow on that - suffice to say, I’m intending there be a lot more opportunities for reader involvement in the coming months, hopefully to the benefit of us all.

All that remains is for me to wish everybody a truly wonderful Christmas and a very prosperous New Year.

Eat, drink, be merry ….. and damn the consequences!


PS If you've entered the tipping competition, please get your Long Wlak selections to me by noon tomorrow!


Xmas Tipping Competition....
Xmas Tipping Comp - Day 1


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