Betting Articles

A Warm Welcome to All the New Readers

Hi all

This is the first proper post in a while and I’d like to wish a warm welcome  and give a big thank you to all the new readers who have come on board in the last couple of weeks.

It’s probably a good time to restate what this blog is all about and give new readers an idea of what to expect from it.

I will be posting up here at least twice a week (Tuesdays and Fridays are good days for me – so long as I can keep ‘on task’) giving my thoughts on everything betting and sports related. Sometimes I will have a bit of a rant if something has upset me. Sometimes I will be looking at big races and looking for the value. Sometimes I will be posting the odd tip. Sometimes I pick up bits of information from having my ear to the ground and sometimes I will give out a pick because I think the price is way out of line.

I will occasionally be doing reviews/giving my opinion on any betting products out there and with luck I will be able to give you a steer as to what’s worthwhile and what’s not.

Although this blog is predominantly about horse racing I do occasionally venture into other sports when I feel I have spotted a bit of value and I will be passing those kind of things along here. Have a look at my review posts for the World Snooker Championships back in April to get a flavour of what I will be doing on the ‘other betting opportunity’ front.

I hope you all enjoy what I am trying to do and I welcome any comments, good or bad, that anybody might have. It’s only by reflecting on our betting (and I guess on everything in life) that we can move forward and improve. Any help that people can give me to do that is much appreciated.

So, welcome one and all, and here’s to greater success in our betting and to the continued enjoyment to be gained from racing!

Racing in general is a bit thin on the ground at the moment with even some of the All weather meetings being frozen off. Clearly not living up to their name! Definitely a weekend to spend cosy by the fire and avoiding venturing out at all.

On that note, I think I will return to the fireside and resume my prayers for a few jump meetings to survive this horrible weather.

Have a great weekend and keep your fingers crossed for some racing!

Hey Everybody, It's Been a Long Time
The Smart Money


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