Betting Articles

Micro Angles

Trainers to Follow in September

I had intended to do a big race preview today but I found the fare on offer so lacking in inspiration and value that I changed my mind. Instead, I thought I would bury my head in the books in the hope I could identify some profitable trainer angles for when the leaves start to fall.

Henry Candy

He may look a bit of a buffoon in that hat but Mr Candy has been around a long time and certainly knows one end of a horse from the other. Sadly, as a reasonably well known and respected figure in the gam…

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Drawing Dead...

Today we have a post from Ben Aitken of Narrowing the Field Fame. Ben's just set up a new blog focussing on the flat - and in particular on Badly Drawn Horses. Take it away Ben!

Badly Drawn Horse: Warrior looks ready to Wake up…

3:40 Beverley (06-07-13) – Coachman Caravans Handicap (Class 4) 5f (15 ran)

Hi racing fans

Some of you may know me from my original racing site Narrowing The Field (NTF). NTF is now primarily a National Hunt site and for my Flat analysis I have set up a new site; www.badlydr…

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What was I thinking....

Sometimes I need a hefty slap to the side of my head or a good firm kick in the seat of my pants - probably either will do - just to get me focussed on the things I should be focussing on rather than on the enormous workload I sometimes create for myself.

I received one such slap last week.

I've been exceptionally busy over the last month running my tipping services, researching emerging trends in a variety of betting markets and generally running myself ragged with not enough focus.

Imagine my hor…

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Nice November Numbers


As we enter the jumps season proper, I find my thoughts turning to those trainers that always seem to have their string ready for a strong early season campaign.

One such trainer is Emma Lavelle who consistently has an excellent time of things in November. The table below shows the performance of all Emma's runners in November for the last 4 seasons:

I like the look of those figures!

An SP profit of nearly 100 points spread across more than 100 runners is just the kind of thing I'm looking for. An…

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Course Connoisseurs Part 2 - Update


Today we have another guest post from one of my favourite racing experts, Ben Aitken of Narrowing the Field fame. Take it away, Ben


Course Connoisseurs

Hi everyone. It has been around a month since my first Course Connoisseurs post and today I just want to give a little update on how the horses included in the guide have fared since then (at their favourite track of course) and also provide you with an additional Course Connoisseur from my own personal list.

First let’s take a look at the horses …

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The Johnston Enigma...

Today, we have a post from John Mac, professional gambler and occasional betting blogger. Over to John:

"Following stables which suddenly strike form can be a useful tool in any punters armoury. However, the window of opportunity is often a short one and very quickly backers and layers ensure that the value is  squeezed out of following them blindly.

Take yesterday as an example for the Mark Johnstone yard. He sent out 14 UK runners, 4 off which obliged, 1 @  2/1 and 3 @ 8/1.

It would have been a g…

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Course Connoisseurs


Today, lovely readers, we have a guest post from Ben Aitken, author of 'Narrowing the Field- Using the Dosage Method to Win at National Hunt Racing'

I've been a big fan of Ben's work for a while now and today his meticulous research has identified one of those special horses that excel at a particular track - the course specialist.

Over to Ben:

Course Connoisseurs

Course Connoisseurs, Track Specialists, Horses for Courses…… whatever you may call them these types of animals are well worth sourcing, …

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A very brief post today, dear friends, just to point out an interesting development I have noticed.

Yesterday, Henry Daly and Richard Johnson paired up for a very nice 33/1 double at Warwick - representing a 100% strike rate for both of them on the day.

Not the most amazing news in the world, I hear you say - and you'd be right. It happens all the time that a jockey and trainer pair up for a double, treble or more. What I did notice and find interesting was that, in previous years, the Johnson/Dal…

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Heavy Ground Heros

Apologies are in order!

I developed a heavy ground system a few weeks ago as a gift for new readers. I had intended to make it available for all readers on the blog at the same time but work pressures meant that it got forgotten in my usual well organised fashion.

I shall rectify that now.

The Mud Maestro system identifies trainers whose horses, for whatever reason, perform well on heavy ground.

You can download it here

The reason I was so keen to get this out today is that there is heavy ground at E…

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Henderson Hurdlers

I was very irritated with myself on Monday.

A glaring oversight,  a result of being too poorly organised and frantically busy, ended up costing me a decent win.

I was working on a variety of things on Monday morning including sending out my selections for the Morning Value Service, preparing a post for the blog, dealing with the gas board who came to service the boiler and generally running around like a headless chicken trying to get on top of things.

I had word from a colleague early on that the …

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