Betting Articles

Betting Books

What's been going on here, then?

Ello, ello, ello

Who was it that used to say that - "Ello, Ello, Ello - What's been going on ere, then?"

For the life of me, I can't remember - was it Dixon of Dock Green?

Anyway, enough of that.

As you will know, I've spent the last 3 weeks hurtling around California visiting places that I haven't seen in more than 20 years, on a belated honeymoon with Mrs MYBP. Along with a substantially increased paunch,  I've got an SD card chock full of pics of me stood in front of iconic landmarks and seascape…

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American Legend

Good Morning lovely people!

Another slightly piece meal post today as I have a few things I want to cover. For those of you who have sent in requests for certain topics to be covered in future posts, I promise I will produce individual posts addressing all of those areas in the coming weeks.


On that subject, I thought I'd just throw out a question I've received today that has had me scratching my head a little. I know there are a lot of shrewdies out there who look in on…

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Enemy Number One

It's a bit of a hodge-podge, pot pourri of a post today, dear friends. A veritable smorgasbord in which I jump about like a firecracker, tying  up a few loose ends from past weeks, looking at one of my favourite rides of the entire National Hunt season and generally talking up a storm.

Firstly, I'd like to thank everybody who emailed me with feedback on my value finding post last week. All your comments are greatly appreciated and I hope the method is as successful for you as it has been for me. …

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The Smart Money

Hello dear readers

What a week we've had. National Hunt racing has disappeared off the calendar altogether. The standard of the All Weather racing hasn't been great. What are we going to talk about? Well, let's go off on a bit of a tangent today.

Due to the lull, I thought  it might be a good opportunity to talk about some of my favourite gambling books and for you to tell me about some of yours. To be honest, I'll only talk about one of my favourites today and return to some of the others when we…

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