Betting Articles

The Most Beautiful Race Course in the World?

Once again it has been far too long since my last post. In my defence (and it's a poor one) I have had a pretty busy time of it over the last couple of weeks. Running the Morning Value Serice is a full time job before I even start my personal betting and keeping up to date with news and developments in the betting world.
All readers have my sincere apologies for the lack of attention to the blog and I will be rectifying that this week. Both the current reviews will be updated in the next couple of days and towards the end of the week I will be taking an in depth look at the St Leger meeting.

Next Thursday I will be heading off to (hopefully) sunny California for a belated honeymoon and I will be gone for three weeks. Myself and Mrs MYBP are going on a roadtrip - flying in to San Francisco and back from Los Angeles. The itinerary is completely open and I would welcome any suggestions from readers as to things we must see/visit. The only firm fixture on my list is to be at Santa Anita on 1st October to combine my two favourite activities - horse racing and eating! The meeting has a gourmet food theme with 70  gourmet food trucks in the infield. Sounds like my idea of heaven. I haven't yet informed the missus that we will be attending - but attending we will be! I will get some film to post up on the blog and I will be attempting to land some of those crazy American pool bets!


The last time I visited an overseas race course was about three years ago when I was lucky enough to get to Happy Valley in Hong Kong. I attended an evening meeting there and it was an incredible experience.  I was thinking of trying to describe the breath taking nature of a brightly lit race track surrounded by enormous sky scrapers but my writing skills wouldn't do it justice so I have pasted a couple of pictures below.

Happy Valley Races at Night
Happy Valley Races at Night


Breath Taking
Breath Taking

If you ever get the chance, I give the place my whole hearted recommendation.  I had a fantastic evening only slightly marred by being out-performed by the other half on the punting front. Bereft of my usual punting tools, I was reduced to blindly backing the horses of a trainer whose name I recognised. Suffice to say,  Mrs MYBP's pin sticking technique was considerably more succesful!


Last week, typically, Charlie Cool managed to win his race when I was unable to attend.  He ran last Thursday over a mile at Redcar and romped home by 4 lengths. I've been to watch him on most of his starts but never managed to be at the course for any of his triumphs. On this occasion I was 300 miles south on a jolly in London with a few of the internet horse racing fraternity.

 In future, I will organise alternative events for all of Charlie's runs - he clearly doesn't like my face!

I'm not a big arber myself but I know some readers like to steal a few quid that way. With that in mind, I came across an interesting site the other day with a number of decent calculators available for free. The site is called Arb Cruncher and they have a really easy to use  Arb Calculator .
Have a look around the site - it's filled with useful little tools and they are all free to use.
I'm sure a lot of you have been following developments over at Beaten Females with interest. Sam McCallion is one of the true gents of the internet betting industry and a shrewd  judge of betting systems. I heard from Sam this morning and he has been overwhelmed by the size of the response and interest in Beaten Females . The good news is that it goes live at noon today. The bad news is that I don't think it will be around for too long. If you are at all interested in securing a copy, I suggest you head over there as early as possible.
That's all from me today but I will be back later in the week with a look at the St Leger and with some exciting news about a guest poster for the blog.
Have a great one
The Ebor Handicap
The St Leger meeting reaches its climax...


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