Betting Articles

Royal Ascot Tipping Comp

Just a short post today folks to announce,  and invite entries to, this years Royal Ascot Tipping Competition

Following on from the success of the tipping competition I ran over Christmas and then during the Cheltenham Festival, I thought it would be nice if everybody could have a crack at Royal Ascot (my second favourite flat meeting of the year after Glorious Goodwood)

I've had a think about the best way to run the competition and I hope I've developed with a fair and reasonable structure.

The competition will work as follows:

1) All entrants need to contact me and register take part by Noon GMT on Monday 18th June. No further entries will be accepted after this point.

2) Entrants will have to tip a horse to win in the following races:

Tuesday 19th June - St James Palace Stakes

Wednesday 20th June - Prince of Wales Stakes

Thursday 21st June - Ascot Gold Cup

Friday 22nd June - Coronation Stakes

Saturday 23rd June - Diamond Jubilee Stakes

3) On each day of the festival, you must email me your tip for that days race before noon          GMT. Any tips received later than that will not be entered into the competition.

4) Only one entry per person is allowed.

5) Points will be awarded according to the Industry SP of any winnners you may have ie a        6/1 winner would be worth 6 points in the competition and so on.

6) Failure to tip in any of the races will result in a 10 point deduction from your overall              score

6) The winner will be the person with the most points after the Diamond Jubilee stakes            Saturday 23rd June

Now for the fun part:

1st Prize will be a cheque for£50 and one month free subcription to my Morning Value Service (showing a 500+ point profit in the last 10 months)

2nd Prize will be a cheque for £30

3rd Prize will be a cheque for £20

In the event of a tie at the end of the competition, the winner will be decided by a draw.  My decision is final blah blah and all that boring stuff!

When emailing me to register, please choose a tipping nom de plume/nickname that you will be happy to have posted on the site!

I will post everybody's individual selections on the blog each day and I think it will be an interesting exercise to see how the most tipped horses perform.  I'm a firm believer in the wisdom of crowds so I will be watching with interest!

Go on ! Give it a go! Please contact me to register for the competition on . Remember I will accept no further entries after noon gmt on Monday 18th June and don't forget to choose a nickname!

That's all from me today

Have a great one








A Sumptuous Summer of Sporting Spectaculars
Royal Ascot Tipping Competition Day 2


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