Betting Articles
Just a few things....
Once again, it’s been too long since I last posted. The discipline required to post regularly on this blog is enormous and I have been too easily distracted. In addition, a much needed holiday and the time taken up running two tipping services has made things even more difficult of late.
All of that’s going to change in the coming weeks.
I’m looking to bring in additional writers/betting experts to spread the work load and make this a “must visit” website for anybody interested in turning a profit from their betting. Any suggestions for sports we could cover/articles you would like to see would be warmly welcomed. Watch this space!
I suppose it’s down to the fact that one of my uncles had 21 children – most of whom ended up everywhere but in Ireland!
I also managed to attend a couple of days racing while there – taking in both Galway and Listowel. Both days involved positively heroic imbibing/general related hilarity and despite the fact that I didn’t get heavily involved on the betting side of things, I had a fantastic time. To be honest, I rarely have a real bet on course these days for a couple of reasons : 1) I like to have perfect internet access if I’m having a serious bet and 2) drinking and betting don’t mix well in my experience. As it was a holiday, having a drink or two won hands down!
Good job really because, far from picking winners, I think I’d have struggled to pick my own mother in a police line-up!
I’ve decided I’m going to start building some reasonably sized early positions for Cheltenham festival next year and I’ll keep you posted as to where my money is going and why. It’s been a while since I’ve done much ante-post betting. I’ve been totally focussed on more short term betting for the last few years so it will be interesting to see if I can still build a profitable book of ante-post bets.
But it was made even better when I heard from one of my members that he had permed all the Chepstow selections into a 10p win Super Yankee. The bet had cost him £15.60 and returned a grand total of £2757.20!
Though the member would prefer to remain anonymous, he’s very kindly sent me over a screenshot from his Bet 365 account. I’ve reproduced it below.

I love it when a plan comes together!
The trial will take the format of a beta testing period for about a month. The last two test I’ve run like this, for the Morning Value Service and the Evening Value Service, both lasted a month and produced +109 points and +80 points respectively.
I can see no reason why this shouldn’t perform at a similar level and produce decent profits.
I will be sending out selections at noon on any days that we have Irish racing (or one hour before the first race of any evening meetings).
It's completely free to come on board so if you are interested in taking part in the beta test, please contact me on and I’ll add you to the mailing list.
Don’t leave it too long though because I will be limiting the number of participants. Give me a shout!
A friend of mine has spent the last few years renovating an old cowshed on his farm in Yorkshire. Well, when I say my friend, it’s actually his wife who’s done most of the work!
And I have to say, they’ve done an amazing job.
What was an Old Cowshed has been turned into a luxurious one bedroom cottage in one of the loveliest parts of the country.
It’s ideally situated for visiting York and a variety of other Yorkshire attractions including, naturally, some very nice racetracks!
It’s a beautiful place and they’ve done such a lovely job that I thought I would give them a shout out on the blog.
Anybody interested in a short sojourn in the lovely Yorkshire countryside can take advantage of an exclusive 5% discount for MYBP readers.
You can have a look at The Old Cowshed here
If you’re thinking of a trip to York or Beverley, I can't recommend it highly enough. Don’t forget to mention this blog to get the 5% MYBP discount!
On that note, I shall wish you a wonderful weekend and be on my way.
Be lucky
PS First leg of the Autumn double tomorrow with the Cambridgeshire and I think a couple of big priced ones have a small squeak.
I've had (very small) each way interests on Making Eyes and Bancnunaheireann. Currently available on Betfair at 48 and 80 respectively.
All of that’s going to change in the coming weeks.
I’m looking to bring in additional writers/betting experts to spread the work load and make this a “must visit” website for anybody interested in turning a profit from their betting. Any suggestions for sports we could cover/articles you would like to see would be warmly welcomed. Watch this space!
Last week I got back from an enjoyable 10 days visiting family in Ireland. It never ceases to amaze me that, every time I go, I meet more cousins that I wasn’t even aware existed! This time I met a cousin who was a jump jockey in England in the 80’s. How did that manage to escape my attention!?I suppose it’s down to the fact that one of my uncles had 21 children – most of whom ended up everywhere but in Ireland!
I also managed to attend a couple of days racing while there – taking in both Galway and Listowel. Both days involved positively heroic imbibing/general related hilarity and despite the fact that I didn’t get heavily involved on the betting side of things, I had a fantastic time. To be honest, I rarely have a real bet on course these days for a couple of reasons : 1) I like to have perfect internet access if I’m having a serious bet and 2) drinking and betting don’t mix well in my experience. As it was a holiday, having a drink or two won hands down!
Good job really because, far from picking winners, I think I’d have struggled to pick my own mother in a police line-up!
Good to see some jumps meetings popping up during the day now. Much as I love the flat season, I love the jumps even more! I’m feeling ready for it now and we only have a month to wait before things properly kick into gear.I’ve decided I’m going to start building some reasonably sized early positions for Cheltenham festival next year and I’ll keep you posted as to where my money is going and why. It’s been a while since I’ve done much ante-post betting. I’ve been totally focussed on more short term betting for the last few years so it will be interesting to see if I can still build a profitable book of ante-post bets.
I’ve been meaning to post this up for a while but just haven’t found the time. Just over a month ago (16th August to be exact) we managed to nearly go through the card at Chepstow one evening with the selections on my Evening Value Service. It was a pretty good night, I have to say!But it was made even better when I heard from one of my members that he had permed all the Chepstow selections into a 10p win Super Yankee. The bet had cost him £15.60 and returned a grand total of £2757.20!
Though the member would prefer to remain anonymous, he’s very kindly sent me over a screenshot from his Bet 365 account. I’ve reproduced it below.

I love it when a plan comes together!
Next week I will be starting a trial of a value service focussing on Irish racing.It will be based on the same principles as my other services (both of which have been exceptionally profitable, even though I say so myself)The trial will take the format of a beta testing period for about a month. The last two test I’ve run like this, for the Morning Value Service and the Evening Value Service, both lasted a month and produced +109 points and +80 points respectively.
I can see no reason why this shouldn’t perform at a similar level and produce decent profits.
I will be sending out selections at noon on any days that we have Irish racing (or one hour before the first race of any evening meetings).
It's completely free to come on board so if you are interested in taking part in the beta test, please contact me on and I’ll add you to the mailing list.
Don’t leave it too long though because I will be limiting the number of participants. Give me a shout!
Finally today, I’m going to go a little off piste.A friend of mine has spent the last few years renovating an old cowshed on his farm in Yorkshire. Well, when I say my friend, it’s actually his wife who’s done most of the work!
And I have to say, they’ve done an amazing job.
What was an Old Cowshed has been turned into a luxurious one bedroom cottage in one of the loveliest parts of the country.
It’s ideally situated for visiting York and a variety of other Yorkshire attractions including, naturally, some very nice racetracks!
It’s a beautiful place and they’ve done such a lovely job that I thought I would give them a shout out on the blog.
Anybody interested in a short sojourn in the lovely Yorkshire countryside can take advantage of an exclusive 5% discount for MYBP readers.
You can have a look at The Old Cowshed here
If you’re thinking of a trip to York or Beverley, I can't recommend it highly enough. Don’t forget to mention this blog to get the 5% MYBP discount!
On that note, I shall wish you a wonderful weekend and be on my way.
Be lucky
PS First leg of the Autumn double tomorrow with the Cambridgeshire and I think a couple of big priced ones have a small squeak.
I've had (very small) each way interests on Making Eyes and Bancnunaheireann. Currently available on Betfair at 48 and 80 respectively.
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