Betting Articles

My Little Piece of A Nag Runs Today!

A few months ago I purchased ( along with a syndicate of 50 others) a filly called Obvious. She is trained in Newmarket by Julia Fielden and runs today in the 5.00pm at Kempton.

The syndicate is set up and run by a friend of mine called Matt Bisogno who also runs the horse racing website

She runs today in the 5.00pm at Kempton and I am really not sure what to make of her chances. Her performances to date have been slightly disappointing. She has had one run since gaining her handicap rating. On that day she finished well down the field but there could be some excuses for her run. Her  journey to Southwell on that day (18th December) was impeded by snow and took over 4 hours.

Amir Quinn was booked to ride but couldn't make it and he was replaced by a claimer who had never ridden her before. She became very distressed going to post and pretty much ruined any chance she may have had.

As a result, she has dropped down the handicap and is now entered in this 0-50 handicap which looks about as poor a race as you are likely to find.

The reports from the stable have been consistently bullish and if she were to run anywhere close to the form she does at home, she would go very close. Of course, that is a big if as she certainly hasn't reproduced her home form on any of her runs so far.

We shall see. Suffice to say, I have waded in at 25/1 e-w and I will be watching with baited breath!
The Pressures of Life Etc....
Not A Bad Run....


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