Betting Articles

The Pressures of Life Etc....

Here I am again

Since my last post, a New Year has arrived and is already well under way.

Where does the time go?

I made myself a promise back in September that i would be posting on here several times a week and put my selections up on a regular basis.

As you can see I broke that promise - but there are mitigating circumstances. Since my last post, life became incredibly busy and I let things slip on the blog.

I have been away on holiday for a couple of weeks, done some consultancy work, then Christmas, then I was away again!

So any of you who were sorely disappointed by my disappearance (yeah right), all I can do is apologise.

This year I will be making this site  more of a priority and will be posting much more regularly.

There will be a new section where I talk about some of the great/crazy gamblers past and present

I will post up some of my opinions on what is going on the racing/sporting world.

I will be putting up some reviews of betting products.

I will also let you in on the secret of what products I use myself to make a profit from my betting. These are systems/methods that I have used for long periods of time as part of my portfolio of betting activities. (I run these alongside my own betting)

Lots of exciting things for you to look forward to! You lucky people!

I will of course post my selections some days for those of you interested in seeing how I operate.

Look out for the next post within a few days. I promise I won't abandon you all again :)
The Difficult Second Post
My Little Piece of A Nag Runs Today!


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