Betting Articles

The Importance of A Betting Partner

Welcome again, one and all.

As usual, it’s been a little longer than intended since I last posted.

I’ve been running around like a headless chicken for the last couple of weeks  preparing The Morning Value Service for the launch which finally happened last week. Now that’s up and running I have a little more time to get back to the day to day things, like posting on here and finding some  winners!




Kicking things off today I thought I’d take a look at how important it is to find a betting partner.

Professional betting, probably more than any other career, requires you to maintain equilibrium at all times. If you get too high or too low depending on the way your day has gone, you will not be able to operate efficiently and with the detachment necessary to make a success of it.

This psychological detachment is THE single most important piece of the puzzle for anybody who wishes to bet for a living. If you are going to fall apart at the first hint of a losing run or be high as a kite, thinking you’ve got it cracked, every time you back a winner, you will not make it.

When I first turned pro, I went from working in a busy office environment to being home alone all day. I know it sounds like heaven (and in many ways it is) but it presented a few problems.

I was used to being surrounded by people, banter and hubbub all day long. Suddenly I was left entirely to my own devices and was spending large proportions of my day entirely alone.  This took quite an adjustment and, more than 5 years down the line, I’ve still not got completely used to it.

Human beings are social animals requiring a certain amount of social interaction for our general happiness and to operate at an optimum level of efficiency. When operating entirely alone, with nobody to bounce ideas off, it is very easy to get “off your game”

I’m guessing these are difficulties faced by anybody is self-employed and works from home but they can be particularly difficult for the pro-gambler because being “on your game” and psychologically strong are absolutely vital. If you don’t get it right, there is no salary at the end of the month, no client who will pay you for doing half a job.

So, we’ve established that a psychological equilibrium is crucial in making your living as a gambler. What strategies can be put in place to help us maintain that equilibrium? The biggest breakthrough I made was when I found a betting partner.

He is a semi-pro gambler and works from home in his ‘other job’. This makes him available for most of each day. We generally concur on the way the game should be approached and often come up with similar strategies independently. He is entirely trustworthy – proved by the fact he is often holding many thousands of pounds of my money (and vice versa) and it never causing me a moments concern.

This partnership provides us both with a number of valuable benefits:

1)      A sounding board for ideas and strategies

2)      A final check on our betting conclusions

3)      Help keep the other focussed when things are going badly

4)      Help keep your feet on the ground when things are going really well!

5)      Place bets for each other when one is away from the house

6)      Someone to talk to who is experiencing the same things.

7)      Additional outlets for bets.

8)      Two heads are often better than one

If you are serious about betting for a living (or even making an additional income from it) – get yourself a betting partner as soon as possible. It will make your life a lot easier. Make sure it is someone you can trust and who's opinion you value!




Many of you will remember that a while ago I mentioned Ron Robinson and his highly respected handicap ratings. I know a lot of readers are avid followers over there.

Ron contacted me yesterday and asked if I would give a mention for a fundraising effort he is involved in. I'm happy to do so because it is for a very good cause.

The Greatwood Charity is an organisation that cares for and re-homes retired racehorses. They also utilise the horses in the treatment of handicapped children from their base near Marlborough.

Ronhas organised a charity raffle to try and raise some much needed additional funding for the charity.

Greatwood themsleves are throwing in tickets for racing at Doncaster on 30th Julyand Ron is very kindly throwing in some fantastic extras from his own pocket. These are:
  • £20 per race betting money for the day
  • An overnight stay at a hotel near the course.
  • Petrol money for your travel.
It will be a cracking day out and all you need to do to be entered into the draw is donate £15 to Greatwood over at Ron's site:


Every single penny raised will go to the charity. Ron is paying for the prizes entirely out of his own pocket.




Finally today, Betting School have just put up an interesting video over at their site .

In it, Darren Power looks at the options available for anybody wishing to put their betting on a more professional footing and start making some regular income. I’m a big fan of the approach they take over there and have been a long term subscriber myself. The video is an invitation to join their insiders club (and it’s well worth joining) but there is some great free content on there that could point you in the right direction for finding some angles without putting your hand in your pocket if you don’t want to.

Betting School video

 It's well worth a look.


That’s all from me today folks  but I’ll be back on Friday with further reports

Have a great Day!


PS I’ve just noticed Paddy Power are offering 7 places (instead of the usual 5) for the Open starting tomorrow. That’s a cracking concession and well worth considering when placing your bets.
American Legend
Digital Notebook


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