Betting Articles

This bloody weather...

Hello lovely readers. I've been a bit quiet on the blog of late and I'm going to be sorting that out this week.

Today we have an article from one of our guest writers - John Mac, long term pro punter and tipster. I'll hand you over to John:

"Hands up all those who have suffered probably their worst ever start to the turf flat season this year?

If I could do a head count of all those with one long arm pointing skywards I would probably be here all day counting!

The results come in and the head starts shaking in disbelief. Atrocious weather combined with desperate ground has created a minefield for punters some of whom may turn their backs on the game once and for all.

Surely the rain will relent eventually? It must do.

But what will happen then?

One dry spell of around a week and out will come the punters worst enemy – one even more feared than the rain itself.

The watering systems.

Is there a way to combat these adverse conditions?  Well it certainly isn’t easy. Probably one of the most feared and revered tipsters of recent years, ATRs much heralded Hugh Taylor, as recently as yesterday managed to hit his 46th consecutive losing tip.

Now that is one mother of a run.

I’m sure he will be tearing his hair out. His selection process won’t have changed, his in depth analysis will be ongoing and his value pricing up will still be in operation.

But the Midas touch has deserted him.

Is there a secret formula he can use to recover his form?

The simple answer is an emphatic NO.

All he can do is carry on in his tried and tested manner - the same manner in which he has operated during his many successful years working for and proofing to the ATR website.

The reality is there is never any rhyme or reason to punting successfully (or otherwise). All you can do is develop a technique that sits comfortably with your betting style. If it has served you well over the acid testing ground that is time itself then try not to deviate from that modus operandi.

Time and consistent success should tell you, deep down, works for you, whatever the recent twists and turns of statistical variance.

Losing runs are the dread of professional punters and tipsters alike but, if you stick around long enough, they are as unavoidable as death and taxes.

To survive them and continue to thrive, you need the constitution of an ox, the patience of a saint and an unshakeable belief in your own ability.

Me? Im off to church.

Be Lucky.

John Mac. Professional Punter and Tipster. "

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Course Connoisseurs


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