Betting Articles

Not A Bad Run....

Last week I told you about my little piece of a filly called Obvious

Well, she ran last week and finished 8th of 13. Not all that promising you might think but a closer look at the race might indicate some hope for the filly.

She raced in third for most of the race tucked in behind the leaders before being asked for an effort in the last couple of furlongs. She picked up quite well, actually hitting the front about a furlong from home before running out of steam.

It would seem that a mile is a touc…

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My Little Piece of A Nag Runs Today!

A few months ago I purchased ( along with a syndicate of 50 others) a filly called Obvious. She is trained in Newmarket by Julia Fielden and runs today in the 5.00pm at Kempton.

The syndicate is set up and run by a friend of mine called Matt Bisogno who also runs the horse racing website

She runs today in the 5.00pm at Kempton and I am really not sure what to make of her chances. Her performances to date have been slightly disappointing. She has had one run since gaining her hand…

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The Pressures of Life Etc....

Here I am again

Since my last post, a New Year has arrived and is already well under way.

Where does the time go?

I made myself a promise back in September that i would be posting on here several times a week and put my selections up on a regular basis.

As you can see I broke that promise - but there are mitigating circumstances. Since my last post, life became incredibly busy and I let things slip on the blog.

I have been away on holiday for a couple of weeks, done some consultancy work, then Christ…

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The Difficult Second Post

Hello readers!

Sorry this post has been a few days in the making. Been mulling over how I want to it to progress. It would be nice to know if anybody is out there reading it and finding it of interest. Not that I won't write it just for myself - I like the accountability aspect of the whole thing - but it would be nice to know if anybody out there is really interested.

So in the next few days I am going to try and set up the option for people to sign up to be told when there are updates on the sit…

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Well, Well, Well - Here We Are!

At least, here I am. Not sure how many of you out there on the Information Super Highway will get to read this but I hope a few of you!

If you have made it (and I thank you profusely if you have) I had better introduce myself and tell you what I hope to achieve with this blog.

My name is Kieran Ward and I am a 40 year old horse racing and betting fanatic. I have been betting for nearly 30 years since my Uncle started taking me to the bookies occasionally when i was around 11 years old. What an exc…

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